I think the logo looks GREAT!! Thanks to Donna and Glen for coming up with the design and all the other designs they submitted. Can't wait to see it painted on someone's trike.
Hey Paw! I think you deserve a BIG THANKS for getting the web pages going for the Route 66 Trikers! The logo looks GREAT!!!! I am glad that the RT 66'ers liked the flaming eagle. Glenn and I had some fun putting it together. I did the first drawing, Glenn tweaked it and got it even. Then I go burn the trash and come back and tell Glenn that the feathers had to be flames. I got told - "OK, do it yourself and show me what you want." So I did and drew a rough draft and Glenn took it from there. Next Jim, took the logo and evened out the triangle. So it was a trio deal. Lokking forward to seeing the patches when they arive!
Best triking regards from your R66T Treasurer and Sunshine Greeter, DJ
I would like to take the time to thank Jim Sickler, for helping me with the route66logo.gif for our website. He took the white background off so the logo will show on any background. How cool is that (I didn't know how) one more time Jim. THANKS! Paw