This stormy weather all spring has caused me to have to put a new roof on my house.. They did it friday just before the tornado sirens and all that happened saturday. Glad no one was harmed by the storm.
Mowing the grass!!!! or trying between the raindrops!!!!!!!!! I swear I will be buying some goats or sheep yet!!!!!
Talked to my son-in-law, Mike (DJ's son) and my daughter-in-law Patty yesterday by phone, it is very dry up in Minnesota land. Maybe we can push some of the rain up their way! Wild fires are burning up the northern pine forest up by Ely too. So they need the rain, very badly!
The Tornado that hit Ozark, missed us but we do have a little clean up to do after the water goes down some. When is the rain going to stop? Snow all winner long, and now rain all summer long? Then back to snow......I give up on cutting my grass!!!! Paw