I think we got a good thing going, and I look forward to meeting more of the newer members and guest as we go along.. Thanks to those who work so hard to make our club what it is... Especially Diana and those marvelous baskets...and Sherri for her unending support of all our activities...
I want to welcome our new members in to our R66T Family. I am looking forward to getting to know you better. As cooler weather aproaches the riding opportunities become fewer but there are still activities we can participate in for fellowship. Please feel free to contact me with any news or information you would like to share in our Newsletter
Thanks everyone for such a great meeting. There were 41 in attandance, with 13 visitors, 8 that joined as new members.It was good to see old friends and meet new ones. Hope to see some of you Nov. 4 at "Feed the Homeless".