I think Sheri, told me that we'll start by passing the hat around for money at the pot luck lunching? Also, ask the Chapter, for a $100.00 check but that has to be up to the members vote that's here? We have over $900.00 now I think? That's what they need right now is money for food, bills, and whatever? I talk to Dale, today and he said they rebuild a small shop for now, and they just did get the heat in today. Please give from your heart. Paw just Jawin'
Since they lost their source of income, I would imagine cash would be a big help. Maybe we can generate a goodly amount at the auction to help out.. Bring whatever, never know who will bid on what...Everyone stay warm...
Can we get a list or an idea of what is needed. Were their trikes damaged? let me know if there are immediate needs, I will be glad to help, do you need a cleanup crew... Standing by....
We need your help! Dale ( OMT Director)and Barb ( OMT Treasury) Carey were hit by a tornado and lost things . Lady will be having an auction at her Valentine Party Feb. 9 th. Please bring something to auction off. If you can not attend and are coming to my house on the 20th for the pot luck dinner at 2:00 please bring your things to me and I will see that it gets to Lady. This is how we help our BTW family members. Not only are they officers and BTW members they are great friends and are always there to help any one else in need. Please give from your heart. You will be rewarded 1000 times over.