This list of weather sayings is only a start of an on going list that can be generated. Every culture around the world has its own weather sayings. These come from sayings that are used in Wisconsin.
Weather Sayings:
Red skies at night, sailors delight.
Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.
When the clouds look like horsetails, rain or snow will come in 3 days.
When your bone joint hurt a storm is coming.
When the wind howls around corners and cracks, and down chimneys rain is coming.
When the glass (air pressure) is low on a ship, the sailors get ready for a storm.
A ring around the sun or moon means a storm is coming. Count the stars within the ring and rain will come in that many days.
When you see 'sun dogs' (a bright spot on either side of the sun) look for rain.
Rain in three days when the horns of the moon point down.
Rain before seven quits before eleven.
If it rains on Easter Sunday, it will rain every Sunday for 7 weeks.
It will rain the same time the next day if the sun shines while it rains.
If the groundhog sees its shadow on February 2 nd, there will be 6 more weeks of winter.
When squirrels lay in a big store of nuts, look for a hard winter.
Three days of heavy morning fog, watch for bad weather in 90 days.
Lightning never strikes the same place twice.
When bees stay close to the hive, rain is close by.
When the forest murmurs and the mountains roar, close your windows and shut the doors.
Moss dry, sunny sky, moss wet, rain you'll get.
Count the cricket chirps to tell the temperature.
Count the seconds between lightning flashes and thunder booms to tell how far away the storm is.
When smoke descends, good weather ends.
Horse (cows) tails in the west the weather is the best! Horse (cows) tails in the east is weather coming at the least.
Rain is on its way if people with curly hair find it curlier and people with straight hair find it straighter.
Before a rain storm:
Cats will clean themselves more and meow more,
Cow and sheep will huddle together seeking comfort,
Horses "switch and twitch" and sometimes bolt,
Insects fly lower and bite more, and
Birds chirp louder.
Flies will swarm before a storm.
When a rain storm is coming:
dandelions close their blooms tightly,
morning glories tuck in their blooms as if ready for a long nap,
clover folds up its leaves,
leaves on many trees rollup or show their underside,
When leaves show their underside, be sure that rain betide.
No dew at night, rain by morning. No dew at morning, rain by next day.
April showers bring May flowers.
March comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion. (Or March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.
Ring around the sun, time for fun. Ring around the moon, storm coming soon.
Snow like cotton, soon forgotten. Snow like meal, will give a great deal.
Evening red and morning gray, send a traveler on his way. Evening gray and morning red, brings the rain upon his head.
The sky is red, the devil is dead, it's going to be good tomorrow.
Ice in November to bury a duck, the rest of the winter is slush and muck.
Fay, I ask my Auntie and she said its rained alot on Easter but never heard of rain for the next 7 week ends and it hasn't done that as far as she remembers and she has a memory like steel....hope I do with age....she's 83.
A couple days ago Dizzy told me she checked the 30 day weather report and promised sunny in the 70's for our trike in, somebody better bring a rope in case she's wrong <G> See Y-all at the meeting Sunday 19th at Belgian Waffel House, by then we ought to have a fairly accurate idea as far as we can in Missouri, thing is if ya don't like the weather, wait a few hours, its bound to change!
Hey that's good for me since I'm not normal that should bring me to just about normal......never heard that one but I'll ask my aunt and get back to you.
Commadore Im serious, does that mean its going to rain on our parade at Bennett Springs. On the Farm Report Saturday they said that for the next 30 days the precipation was going to be above normal for us.