No comment on the pig kissing, but don't have fever so hoping it's not the flu. No headaches unless you include my grandkids and daughter.....this Nyquil is doing great but still going to the doctor monday unless all is gone. wish I could be there my daughter has a C&H- Dominos Sugar thing that she would like to have some of us partipate in but Jeff can tell you about that. took some more meds so think I'll go back to bed. getting droupy (my eyes lids)
Hey Everyone, Our meeting is this sunday, tomorrow the 3rd of May, Mothers Day is the 10th so had to change it....those of you that are coming will see someone missing besides Linda and Al....I came down with something and now can't utter a word (Jerry, Gene, and Bill can stop applauding) and no you can't come here to see what it's like that I can't talk, you either Dick, the ladies can stick up for a cough to go with it didn't want to not make any sound....will go to the Dr monday....Jeff will do a good job and you all come to support him....Grant's in Monett at 2pm have a good meeting....