It's suppose to be a Trike Show like Fay said on August 15th in the Walmart parking lot. I don't know what time but since it is in lieu of the OMT Chapter meeting, it will probably be around 11am or so. Jim hadn't even heard back from Walmart as of the last meeting. Hopefully he will post on all the chapters web sites that he wants to participate all the details. I do know that there will be 3 categories. Best Trike, Mens choice and Womens Choice. I know this because I made up the winners certificates. It is for a good cause, which is trying to drum up more members for Twin Lakes Trikers so they don't go under. I think Ron is going to man a membership table. And of course you know that when we get a bunch of BTW members together [all of us B.S.ers] we all have a good time. We will not be voting, just the people who come over from the store to see the Trikes. HOPE TO SEE YA'LL THERE!!!!!
Hotrod, We are having a trike show in Mountain Home to get more interested in triking tohelp out the chapter. It will be on August 15th. But you had better talk to Jim.
What are the details of that event coming up the middle of August for the Arkansas Chapter. Jim & Lady asked us to participate at our last meeting. I forgot the details and I want to put it in the newsletter. I didn't find anything in our events page. I am also looking for other items to include, Thanks!