Sherryl and I feel we are much better today because of the friends we have made in BTW. It has been a joyful time when we have been able to participate in different functions, and look forward to many more occasions in the future..
And, 12 years ago, Jim had another bright idea. Retire from John Deere, move south and never see cold and snow again. That idea didn't pan out so well either. Maybe I should just quit having bright ideas!!! Thanks for the sentiment though HotRod. It is appreciated.
30 years ago Jim & Lady gave birth to an idea, BTW was born. They nurtured it and it grew up to a thing of its own. Just like raising a child and when it comes of age it sometimes rebels against its parents to go its own way. We raise them with love the very best we can and dedicate our life to them but when they grow up they have their own ideas of what they want and the direction they will go. I read this morning that Bill Gates is no longer CEO of Microsoft Corp he founded more than 30 years ago. He isn't out but he isn't the head anymore either. life goes on and we should be proud of what our idea from so long ago grew to what it is today.
Jim, You are the founder, no one can take that away, we don't need their forum anyway, hell its been 5 or 6 months since I was on there anyway. they think all their problems are in south Missouri (per email from alex) we have our friends right here and no one can take that away. You are and always will be one of us.
Jim.. Triker2011 made a post that u and Lady were only suspended and could not use the forum ( kind of like a probation) but could still attend BTW and Chapter functions but could not vote. Just thought I'd pass that on.
And that explains the extra newsletter and the envelope that got eaten by the printer. Sorry about that. Will get a copy in tomorrow's mail.Glad everyone that got a copy enjoyed it. Since I am no longer a BTW member, I can't hold an office but there is nothing says you have to be a member to put out the newsletter. Hell, we had the newspaper in Springfield print the magazine for years and they weren't members. Something to think about.
You will always be in out prayers, best of luck in finding the new hardware. I guess you are going to take up netting for 4 hours a day and 3 days a week. Do you think you come up with a stocking hat something in blue? Ha, Ha. Take care and get well and hope to you & your bride soon.
I too enjoyed the newsletter. After 10 days in the hospital, where the inserted a cathether in my chest and a fistula in my arm, both for dialysis purposes, I had 3 dialysises in the hospital and was discharged and have had 2 at the Ozark Dialysis center in Springfield. I will be having it mon-wed-fri 4 hrs each time until I have a transplant. I am getting on the transplant list at KU Med center and Barnes Jewish Hosp in St Louis. Keep me in your prayers.