Yes Paw! I argee with you! Where is everyone? Maybe everyone is too busy with upcoming Christmas plans, shopping, parties, and the regular holiday rush! Maybe the Route 66 Trikers don't know about this website yet. You will have to inform everyone at the upcoming meeting on January 21st of 2007! Tell all to get on this forum and chat away!
You know, that Glenn and I have been busy, trying to come up with some designs for the Route 66 logo. I hope others do too!
To all the Route 66 Trikers - have a wonderful holiday season and see you all in the New Year!
Best triking regards from your R66T Treasurer and Sunshine Greeter, DJ
Moving right along on the new pages. But we need more on the Forum talking about the new Chapter, logo, and stuff like that before our next meeting. I think? But what do I know I'm just a WebJunky! Paw's just Jawin'
Hello everyone, I am working on new webpage to take the place of this website. This is until I get them done. But we'll keep the URL and the FORUM that we have here. Now don't everyone talk at the same time. Hee! Hee! Paw's just Jawin'