Paw - thank you for those kind words. I am glad that the "rough draft" is done and now the group can tweaked the form.
I do believe that the Route 66 Trikers are off to a great start. Considering our first meeting was in November, no meeting over the Christmas hoildays, then the huge ice storm that knocked Springfield out for 14 days + and no meeting in January! We are still getting to know everyone in our group. New faces at the last meeting! Look at what we got going ... Our patches, our "Care Package" for our overseas troops. Making plans for a garage sale. Donated door prizes, thanks to Sheri and Jerry. Diane, for making her "prize baskets" Our chapter banner, brought and paid for. Paid BTW Headquarters to be a sponsor for the 25th Anniversary BTW Trike-In. Still got funds in our treasury...
All I can say is WOW!!! Thanks to you, Paw for doing this fine website! Our director, Kodiak for fresh ideas and new directions. Lonestar, for your fine secrarial skills. Don and Teresa, for being our Historians. GC, for the Stg-at-Arms duties.
Best triking regards from your R66T Treasurer and Sunshine Greeter, DJ
Thanks to Donna Egge, for the Route 66 Trikers, Membership Application, she worked real hard on them for us. Now what you need to do is ( copy and save ) it will print out (2 copys) or (2 pages) and bring them with you for the next meeting (we'll have some also to pass out). We need to go over them with the members, and they need to be approved and filled out. Okay! Paw