We had 18 people, a really nice resturant with private room, got a peek at the newlsetter that we are going to have got a lot of input for the articles. Did not get a new sec./treas. Our new newsletter will be the same as R66T for the year. $15. Would like every one that would like to please email a picture of you and your trike with a little bit about yourself to:Patricia p1_campbell@yahoo.com or Jody nandjsanders@windstream.com there is an underscore between the 1 and campbell. I would like to thank everyone that came. Our next meeting will be March 8th at 2pm at Grants Resturant in Monett. Good food and good prices and really good company.Hope the ones that couldn't make it this month can next month.
We didnt make it either . gene and my son did some work on the trike i finish my new vest , except for the snaps had just enough and I messed one up so i have to get more tomorrow. HOpe it was a good turnout. Garnet
Oh yeah for all that didn't get my email. TRT is having the meeting in Monett tomorrow at 2 at Grant's Resturant between the Lowes and Wal Mart at the stop light on the left, coming from the east and on the right coming from the west as you are traveling on HWY 60 hope to see you all there...we will see our first newsletter then.