Hey Guys, I want to let you folks know what I am doing these days. I have started a weight loss program and although I have only been on it a couple days, It seems to be working for me. It tastes good and my craving for snacks is under control. I am sure a lot of you are familiar with or at least heard of Herbalife. Well thats what I am doing and I want everyone to know that I have become a distributer. No!, I am not going to use the hard sell on my friends, dont need to anyway. I just want you all to know that it is available to you, if you want to hear more about the product or the weight loss program, you call me (234-6598) and I will be glad to talk to you about it. Oh by the way, Herbalife is way more than just a weight loss program, It is a long list of wellness and nitrition products that covers everything your body needs, way more than I even know about as I am just learning about all this stuff. Like I said, call me for more info, If I dont have answers, Ill get them. Thanks, Bill "Hotrod"