GREAT POST JERRY! I might add that the same goes for publishing the newsletter, your input is greatly appreciated as it is hard for one person to come up with quality content! I'm sorry to say that it takes too many "jokes" and non trike related material to put out a quality newsletter. I know that many enjoy the jokes and it is good to have a few thrown in but this needs to be a more trike related newsletter. Thanks and now I will step down from my soapbox and shut up <G>
Ever since joining the BTW, my wife Sheri, and I have enjoyed the many opportunities we've found in the BTW, where we could contribute and also have a great time doing it! One of the great things about a website is that it can manifest the personality of the organization of which it represents. And that makes the challenge of maintaining the websites both, enjoyable and rewarding. As I attend the many activities, I do take a lot of pictures but I truly welcome your pictures, as well as any editorials or ideas you may have for the websites for it's our website and your input is sincerely appreciated. With all the activities such as the trike-ins, parades, trike shows, toy runs, and other daily activities, there are many that are watching and very interested in learning more about us and our trikes and the internet is one of our best accommodating resources. So I want to encourage you to send me what you've got that's happening in your triking world. After all, being a "triker" has got to be one of the most outrageous activities for those of us that simply refuse to grow up. Maw & Paw