Dale - The printer they gave me to use doesn't do enlargements so there would really be no reason to rate Hotrod's pictures as X. Hell, I'm thinkin' they would probably be rated as PG, standing for PENIS GONE.
Hey Jim, Ya know if ya put Hotrods pics in the news letter, then others will want theirs put in it. Ya might wanta consider a center fold. Of course at our age it will show up as many, many folds
Any officer with anything to submit for the newsletter needs to get it to me right away. It is going to look pretty bleak with nothing in it but X rated pictures of Hot Rod!
Just started work on the newsletter. This will be my first edition so please don't be too critical. HotRod left a hard act to follow. If you have anything to get in it, please get it to me. Remember the classified ads are a great way to get rid of your extra parts. Plans are to mail them out the first of the month. so time is short.