Check the obummer deal and the s&%^ grin and the Bas&(^'s face..... NO Spending Cuts! just higher taxes for the middle class.... his plan is working, he is destroying our Nation
I'm sure glad those DC economist and politicians are so good at doing their jobs. They get paid more for doing less than about anyone I know... And on our dime!! The new "Cliff Hanger" deal gives $41 dollars in taxes for each dollar cut from spending. We sure could use some new leadership on the conservative side of things..
Kinda like the way the present administration figures the unemployment rate. Once you are unemployed so long you run out of benefits, you are no longer considered upemployed, you are now a "discouraged worker" and are dropped from the number of people who are unemployed. And now, with the fiscal cliff looming, all extentions on unemployment benefits will be removed and even more people will join the ranks of "discouraged workers", so the unemplyment rate will drop even farther. Guess Obama will be doing a great job of dropping the rate of unemployed people and he doesn't have to do a thing.
Hey Paw, count the numbers, Reagan + 9 = 10 plus 15 second place = 25 plus 18 third place total 43, that makes ostupid # 44 (44th pres since George) or 4th place behind ALL the other presidents, kinda makes the numbers work better dontcha think