That's kind of where Bill's problem is, lack of power, engine sounds good just running but then it acts like taking off in fourth gear, really have to pour the coals to it and still hard to get it going, he had a couple of inserts pulled out when he pulled the plugs (spark Plugs) I think he took the heads off before he got a good compression check.... we will see, he should have his heads back this weekend from Roy Rogers.
That is the most common area for cracks in VW heads. Minor cracks there seldom cause a problem but a crack that will expand and let the valve seat fall out if a major pain in the a--. Been there, done that, and have the stubble of the hair I pulled out trying to figure out why my motor was missing at higher RPMs.
Steve has a pretty good eye, he said that if there is no cracks between the spark plug hole and any of the valve seats the heads are rebuildable (serviceable) so I guess if the heads crack, that is the area that makes the difference
Hard to find a set of stock VW heads that aren't cracked. Minor cracks don't really seem to affect anything unless they expand when they get hot and let the valve seats fall out. The only real way to check a head for cracks involves magnufluxing and I doubt if Roy Rogers is set up for that.They probably do a visual inspection the same as you or I would do. If you can't see it with the naked eye, it probably isn't going to matter any way.
Yep, seems that the prices have gone way up on parts, He can't afford most of them, I have a couple sets of cores and he took them to Roy Rogers, $125 each to rebuild them but at least I know my other two are good as in no cracks, he took all 4 of them to be checked.... so he will have a pair of rebuilts for $250
Thanks Lonestar but I don't do facebook, I never get on the site to learn how to get around there.
You might post something on the facebook page for GROOVE...that is the VW group...they will probably put a wanted post in their newsletter for you. We just had their show two weeks..there were a lot of part vendors out there.
My son "Firebug" needs them for his trike so if anyone has some or knows where he can get a pair for a reasonable price please give him a call 417 241-8763.