From: Alex Ross [] Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 2:22 PM To: Alex Ross Subject: FW: OCT/NOV MAGAZINE
Some changes in the process of creating the magazine, in the interest of being able to produce the magazine quicker, continuing to improve it and being able to make changes on a minutes notice, there has been a delay in getting this issue in the mail. It is however, out the door and on its way to you as I write this. I have decided to attach a digital copy of the new issue in a PDF format, for those of you who cant wait for our speedy postmen.
I have enjoyed every minute of this past year, even though it has been an enormous challenge, getting BTW to a point where it can continue to be the Association representing all the members. Without the help and support of the BOD this would not be possible.
Some of us do not like change and find it hard to let go of what was. If you look closely, you do not have to, because BTW has not taken anything away, we have just added to what was already and are working to make sure it will continue as well as providing what is needed for the new members coming on board .
Those of you who are interested in receiving your future issues of the magazine in this format, please contact Headquarters and we will arrange for you to be changed over to the digital magazine network.