Didja ever notice when a drag car puts the juice to the rear wheels they will spin up to near twice the size so that would mess up the fender, this way you gotta remember not to twist the throttle very much
The first thing I would do is put A fender on that durn thing. When comes to that wackey tubackey, you just might sit on somthing you didnt want tooooo? Fire in the hole.
You know your right, I have saddled some monsters in my day, I remember back in 1963...... Na we won't go there. Your right about the plug wires but if yer gonna ride a monster ya gotta be tough, whats 50,000 or so volts among friends
HotRod- The business end of those plug wires are right where they could do some serious damage. I would probably have to ride side-saddle on that monster as I don't think I could spread my legs far enough to straddle it. Now you spreading your legs to saddle a monster does bring up some disturbing images.
Ahhh Jim..... that magneto is on the side, please tell me you won't ride side saddle..... crap now I gotta wash my eyes out in Clorox just picturing that scene....
I would never be able to enjoy riding it. Would spend all my time checking those plug wires to make sure they weren't lose. Got a feeling that mag would make for a shocking experience when connected to the family jewels.